Marry ME!
Statistics folks! Browsing through magazines (and no, it's not Family Life) I found this article that claims that married people with kids live a longer healthier life.
Nevermind the popular talk about marriage as a source of bliss for the couple, security for the kids and social stability. Pair up any two people with often clashing needs, add in the pressure-cooker of kids, doctor bills, housework and there you have it. Still, these guys say that decades of research and data collection have shown that marriage - for all its challenges - is like a health-insurance policy.
Over a course of 10 years it looks like people who were not married were 58% likelier to die during that time than the married folk. And no wonder. Marriage means no more drinking at bars, no more ramen noodles dinners , you name it, it's gonna be NO.
So is it all pink for those who tied the knot?
Married people live longer and are healthier throughout those extra years.
Studies have linked marriage to lower rates of cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease and mental illness.
Marriage helps both partners cope better with stress, though men benefit more than women (bastards!!!)
and the down side....:)
Marriage is fattening, particularly for husbands. Married men are nearly 20% more likely than unmarried men to be overweight.
That last one is so true... although Ake hasn't gained anything extra since our wedding day....I know couple of married men who'd be cunningly smiling at this one thinking of the next batch of cookies.
Maakouda, frittata tunisiana
1 day ago