We've entered the rainy season, so the fun is officially over. We stacked our cameras on the shelf after our last failed attempt to shoot on Sunday Ake's cousin becoming a monk ceremony. It's was pouring again. In fact reasonably clear skies will have to wait till September. To get an idea, it rains heavily pretty much every day, so guess where we're hiding? Cinemas...
After all the controversies, The Da Vinci Code made it to Thailand, funnily enough with constat Thai subtitles reminders "Be advised : It's fiction!"...I know probably half the world read it, but I just started reading a book so I saw the movie with no reading comparison. While it isn't one of my favorites, I really liked it..a well paced, intriguing enough....an Indiana Jones feeling.
The sad/funny thing was that just as the movie started this guy sat next to us. He had the 2 smelliest feet ever...to the point where Ake dropped the Thai politeness and said to the guy :"Oh, God!!! Man , you totally stink!" Don't know what he did...but the overwhealming odor seemed to diminish and we watched the movie in peace. :)
Maakouda, frittata tunisiana
1 day ago
Must be that visit to Germany, the mother of all rudeness, that changed Ake from the humble polite Thai into the blunt in-your-face type. :-)
So, French are pompous...Germans are rude...London's working wonders for you...:)))
Must say I was quite shocked, when Ake said it straight, but then again, I was sooooo ready to move!
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