Monday, December 31, 2007

On Parenting -(what else?)

First time parents tend to be very picky I was told the other day. We had some wine on Xmas afternoon with friends and since pretty much everyone there had kids we hit the topic instantly.

I completely fit her "first timer description"....

"Now go to the hospital for example...You'll see parents running and playing with their children - those are the first timers...the ones reading the newspaper - those have at least 2 kids!"

Totally true...And so, have decided I need to also learn how to let go least for a while...

Happy New Year Everyone!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

..a month ago I promised I'll upload some more photos...Andrei's surgery threw our lives into chaos...Mom and Andrei slept in the hospital for 2 weeks, which apart from day 1 after surgery when and the tests before (shots and tests) were loads of fun...The hospital was equiped with huge play loads of kids...twas great! By the 3 rd day Andrei was running in the halls while mom and dad were trying to manage the drainage tube.

anyhow, things are back on track...and the only real scar we came home with was the scare of white, cause nurses kept waking us up to check the BP, temp, the works...

we're on holiday now...planning to go to Khao Yai NP for New Year....

Andrei first word : MAMA

Andrei's second word : PAI (let's go in Thai)

Andrei's third word : Buuuurp (laughin his heart out in anyone says it in Eng)

Andrei's forth word: variations of HAIDA (da da da)

Later. Carmen :)