Tuesday, August 08, 2006

5 months update

Alright, we've completly slacked off this month blogging wise, but following we have a 2 weeks holiday. The plan was to get out of Bangkok (finally!) but I got really sick(all good now!) so we'll be staying close to hospitals at least till December. Rats!

The good news is, we'll be having enough time to post some more, although, heck, who's gonna read it cause everyone's on holiday, right?

To all my curious friends out there, as promised my 5 months tummy. I expect it will be at least double if not triple in size by the 9th month...Don't know if I'll have any guts to post 9 months photos. I'll probably be like a giant whale by then...he he he...Well, not to worry!

...and of course...the proud father...:)

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