Friday, March 10, 2006

Life in 24 hours

I got an unexpected call last night. Great news: I'm free on Friday! Naturally, as Thais would put it: "Let's happy!"...:)

We made plans to grab our cameras and run off to Lopburi, the monkey dominated town 200 km North of Bangkok. Checked the train schedule. We had to wake up at 5 am. Auch!
I really really really wanted to. In fact, it was my idea (Carmen), but at 5 am the pillow looked so invinting and I couldn't drag my butt out of bed so, we settled for a movie and a visit at the Nikon center to clean our cameras.

The easiest choice was to catch our dear Butterly Dome again. The little buggers are just gorgeous!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super misto. Ioi de as avea si eu un pic de timp. Maine macar am o zi intreaga cu Cristina.

Din pacate la noi ploua si e frig.

Va pup.